SQL: SELECT *, headline AS label, ( n.ctrl_show = true
AND ( n.ctrl_show_from <= NOW() OR ( n.ctrl_show_from = "0000-00-00" OR ISNULL(n.ctrl_show_from) ) )
AND ( n.ctrl_show_until >= NOW() OR ( n.ctrl_show_until = "0000-00-00" OR ISNULL(n.ctrl_show_until) ) )
) AS is_active FROM news n WHERE 1 AND ( ( 1 AND ( n.ctrl_show = true
AND ( n.ctrl_show_from <= NOW() OR ( n.ctrl_show_from = "0000-00-00" OR ISNULL(n.ctrl_show_from) ) )
AND ( n.ctrl_show_until >= NOW() OR ( n.ctrl_show_until = "0000-00-00" OR ISNULL(n.ctrl_show_until) ) )
) ) ) AND ctrl_deleted = 0 ORDER BY ctrl_referencedate DESC LIMIT 0, 3
31.08.2024 | Kolpingsfamilie Landau
Schneeanzüge bei 30 Grad Hitze
Herbst- und Winterbasar der Kolpingsfamilie ein voller Erfolg
SQL: SELECT *, label AS label, (
ctrl_show = 1
((DATE_FORMAT(datetime_start,"%Y-%m-%d") >= DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),"%Y-%m-%d") OR datetime_start = "0000-00-00") AND datetime_end = "0000-00-00" )
((DATE_FORMAT(datetime_end,"%Y-%m-%d") >= DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),"%Y-%m-%d") OR datetime_end = "0000-00-00") )
AND ( ctrl_show_from <= NOW() OR ( ctrl_show_from = "0000-00-00" OR ISNULL(ctrl_show_from) ) )
AND ( ctrl_show_until >= NOW() OR ( ctrl_show_until = "0000-00-00" OR ISNULL(ctrl_show_until) ) )
) AS is_active FROM event WHERE 1 AND ( ( 1 AND ( `assoc_localgroup_id` = 0 ) AND (
ctrl_show = 1
((DATE_FORMAT(datetime_start,"%Y-%m-%d") >= DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),"%Y-%m-%d") OR datetime_start = "0000-00-00") AND datetime_end = "0000-00-00" )
((DATE_FORMAT(datetime_end,"%Y-%m-%d") >= DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),"%Y-%m-%d") OR datetime_end = "0000-00-00") )
AND ( ctrl_show_from <= NOW() OR ( ctrl_show_from = "0000-00-00" OR ISNULL(ctrl_show_from) ) )
AND ( ctrl_show_until >= NOW() OR ( ctrl_show_until = "0000-00-00" OR ISNULL(ctrl_show_until) ) )
) ) ) AND ctrl_deleted = 0 ORDER BY datetime_start LIMIT 0, 5
Unsere Partnerländer Malawi und Uruguay engagieren sich stark im Bereich der Ausbildung von Jugendlichen, jungen Erwachsenen und Strafgefangenen bzw. in der Unterstützung kleinbäuerlicher Unternehmen. Durch die weltweite allgemeine Kostensteigerung und die Lebensmittelknappheit ist Hilfe notwendiger denn je!
Unterstützen Sie unsere Kolpingmitglieder in Malawi und Uruguay mit Spenden auf folgendes Konto:
Spendenkonto: DE 87 7509 0300 0004 3097 23
Kontoinhaber: Kolpingwerk Passau e. V.