SQL: SELECT *, label AS label, (
ctrl_show = 1
((DATE_FORMAT(datetime_start,"%Y-%m-%d") >= DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),"%Y-%m-%d") OR datetime_start = "0000-00-00") AND datetime_end = "0000-00-00" )
((DATE_FORMAT(datetime_end,"%Y-%m-%d") >= DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),"%Y-%m-%d") OR datetime_end = "0000-00-00") )
AND ( ctrl_show_from <= NOW() OR ( ctrl_show_from = "0000-00-00" OR ISNULL(ctrl_show_from) ) )
AND ( ctrl_show_until >= NOW() OR ( ctrl_show_until = "0000-00-00" OR ISNULL(ctrl_show_until) ) )
) AS is_active FROM event WHERE 1 AND ( ( 1 AND ( `assoc_localgroup_id` = 0 AND `ctrl_show_kolpingjugend` = 1 ) AND (
ctrl_show = 1
((DATE_FORMAT(datetime_start,"%Y-%m-%d") >= DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),"%Y-%m-%d") OR datetime_start = "0000-00-00") AND datetime_end = "0000-00-00" )
((DATE_FORMAT(datetime_end,"%Y-%m-%d") >= DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),"%Y-%m-%d") OR datetime_end = "0000-00-00") )
AND ( ctrl_show_from <= NOW() OR ( ctrl_show_from = "0000-00-00" OR ISNULL(ctrl_show_from) ) )
AND ( ctrl_show_until >= NOW() OR ( ctrl_show_until = "0000-00-00" OR ISNULL(ctrl_show_until) ) )
) ) ) AND ctrl_deleted = 0 ORDER BY datetime_start
SQL: SELECT *, headline AS label, ( n.ctrl_show = true
AND ( n.ctrl_show_from <= NOW() OR ( n.ctrl_show_from = "0000-00-00" OR ISNULL(n.ctrl_show_from) ) )
AND ( n.ctrl_show_until >= NOW() OR ( n.ctrl_show_until = "0000-00-00" OR ISNULL(n.ctrl_show_until) ) )
) AS is_active FROM news n WHERE 1 AND ( ( 1 AND ( `ctrl_show_kolpingjugend` = 1 ) AND ( n.ctrl_show = true
AND ( n.ctrl_show_from <= NOW() OR ( n.ctrl_show_from = "0000-00-00" OR ISNULL(n.ctrl_show_from) ) )
AND ( n.ctrl_show_until >= NOW() OR ( n.ctrl_show_until = "0000-00-00" OR ISNULL(n.ctrl_show_until) ) )
) ) ) AND ctrl_deleted = 0 ORDER BY ctrl_referencedate DESC
Pfingstfreizeit 2022 der Kolpingjugend - „Von der Steinzeit zum Heute“
Nur der freiwillige Corona-Schnelltest zu Beginn erinnerte noch an die zwei vergangenen Jahre ohne die traditionelle Pfingstfreizeit der Kolpingjugend im Bistum Passau.
16 Delegierte und Gäste aus den Kolpingsfamilien Heiligkreuz, Landau und Marktl, vom Diözesanpräsidium sowie von der KJ Bayern und vom BDKJ-DV Passau.
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